Fengjiahe Fm
Type Locality and Naming
The type section is located in the area of the Xiazhuang Village till the Pupeng region, Xianyun County, Yunnan Province. It was named by the Regional Survey Party under the Geological Bureau of Yunnan Province in 1963.
Synonym: (冯家河组)
Lithology and Thickness
It represents purple sandstone and mudstone, and is divisible into the upper and lower members. Lower member is composed largely of purple sandy mudstone, intercalated with grey-green and yellow-green sandstone, and also with many layers of calcareous micro-conglomerate, being of 1239 m in thickness. Upper member is alternating layers of grey-green and yellow-green fine-grained sandstone and siltstone together with the purple fine-grained sandstone and mudstone in its middle and lower parts, and of purple sandy mudstone, intercalated with grey-green siltstone bands in its upper part, with a thickness of 421 m, containing a 3 m thick layer of conglomerate at its base. Its thickness is of 1660 m.
Relationships and Distribution
Lower contact
It is in a disconformable contact with the underlying upper Triassic Baitutian Fm
Upper contact
Regionally, the schematic strat column indicates the next younger unit as Zhanghe Fm
Regional extent
The formation is distributed in the Chuxiong Basin, with its exposures being found in most cases on the margins of the above-mentioned basin. In the central part of the basin there are found chiefly fine clastics and mudstone, with a thickness being as great as of 2100 m; while approaching to the margins of the basin, the grain size is getting coarser, and with more trachyte and conglomerate being found to occur as in the Yongsheng and Yongren areas, and with its thickness getting lesser than 400 m.
It yields plant fossils: Podozamites lanceolatus; bivalves: Cuneopsis xiangyunensis, Unio cf. Lufengensis; and Reptilia: Lufengosaurus sp. and etc. There are also found Dinosaurs as represented by Chinshakiangosaurus chunghoensis in the Yongren area.
Depositional setting
Additional Information